Staff Association

Jeans Day Annual Appeal

$ 1.00
Jeans Day Annual Appeal

In 2024, the Staff Association would like to shift to an annual appeal model that benefits all staff regardless of the dollar amount raised.

Fundraising Goals

$3000 or less Goal
  • Jeans Days Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for all staff  
  • PLUS  12 Jeans/T-shirt Day Coupons* (for those that donate)  
$4000 Goal
  • Jeans Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for all staff  
  • PLUS  12 Jeans/T-shirt Day Coupons* (for those that donate)  
$5000 Goal
  • Jeans Days WednesdayThursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for all staff  
  • PLUS  12 Jeans/T-shirt Day Coupons* (for those that donate 
$6000 Goal - locked

Suggested Donation Amounts 

Grades 3-4: $10  
Grades 5-6: $15  
Grade 7-8: $20  
Grade 9-11: $25  
Grades 12 and up: $30 
If you need help determining your pay grade, check here

You are welcome to donate more or less than the suggested amount! Funds raised support Staff Association events like Movie Screenings, Spirit Weeks, the Staff and Family Picnic, End of Year Party, and more!


*Jeans/T-shirt Day Coupons FAQ

Taking into consideration that not every member of staff will donate, the idea is that we want to be able to offer something extra to those that do donate to our fundraiser. Each staff would receive 12 coupons and would follow the following guidelines:  

  • Option for once a month or combined for big events like March Madness.  
  • These would not roll over and would have to be used by December 31st, 2024.